


Hindu Widow remarriages Act was passed in 1856 during the period of
Ans: Lord Dalhousie

When was Dandi March started against Salt Lawa?
Ans: on 12th March, 1930

The Governor Genenral who introduced regional languages in courts?
Willam Bentick

What was the period of  Lord curzon as Viceroy in India?
Ans: 1899-1905

Who appointed a Frazer commission?
Ans: Lord curzon

When did Vivekananda attended the parliament of world religions at Chicago?
Ans: 1893

Who wrote the book 'The Poverty and the Un-British rule in India'?
Ans: dadabhai Naoroji

During whose period Act for good administration was passed in 1858?
Ans: Lord Canning

Who was the founder of Azad Hind fauj?
Ans: Subash Chandra Bose

What was the ageof marriage for girls as per Age of Consent Act, 1891?
Ans: 12 years

When was the Supreme Court was established in Culcutta?
Ans: 1773

Where did Cornwalis established the circuit courts?
Ans: Patna, decca, Murshidabad and Calcutta

The Viceroy who appointed Sir Thomas Robertson commission?
Ans: Lord Curzon

Indian Council Act, 1861 was passed during the period of 
Ans: Canning

The Act which allows Indians to enter into councils
Ans: Indian council Act 1861

Where was the National Anthem first sung?
Ans: at Calcutta in Congress session