
What are the six Darsanas-who are called Nigranthas

Indian History-Questions and Answers:

The Europeans who landed first in India
Ans: Portuguese

What were the two popular assemblies during the Vedic period?
Ans: Sabha and Samiti

The region between Ganga and Yamuna was called as
Ans: Aryavarta

Crips Mission came to India in 1942 during the period of
Ans: Lord Linlithgow

Who was the first Indian civil servent?
Ans: Surendra Nath Bannerjee

When was August Offer made by the British Government?
Ans: 8th August 1940

What are called Darsanas?
Ans: Systems of salvation are called as Darsanas

How many Darsanas are there?
Ans: 6

What are the six Darsanas?
Ans: Nayaya, Vaiseshika, Sankhya, Yoga, Purva Mimamsa, and Vedanta(uttara memamsa)

How many Maha Janapadas were mentioned in Jaina scriptures?
Ans: 16

Which was the most powerful among the 16 Mahajanapadas?
Ans: Magada

What was the capital of Magada?
Ans: Rajagruha later Pataliputra

Wavell Plan was made in 1945 during the viceroyality of
Ans: Lord Wavell

Vardamana/Mahavira was born in
Ans: 540 B.C

The tribe in which Mahavira was born
Ans: Jnatrika

Father of Mahavira
Ans: Siddhartha

Mother of Mahavira
Ans: Trisala

Who are called Nigranthas?
Ans: Niggranthas are those who get rid of all bonds

Who was 23rd Thirthankara in Jainism?
Ans: Parswanatha

Cabinet Mission came to India in 1946 during the viceroyality of
Ans: Lord Wavell